Information for those visiting our camp
Guest Experience
Our Camp
Our 150+/- person camp consists of the Orgy Dome®, Aphrodite's Garden, our camp kitchen and member chill space, a shower and several shade structures. Our air conditioned and dust free Orgy Dome is easy to find on the playa. Our camp power grid provides power for the Orgy Dome, our kitchen and our campers.
The Orgy Dome and Aphrodite's Garden have grown over the years. In 2023 we were at approx. 6,000 square feet.
Our open floor plan contains a 'Just Us' area for those couples and moresomes entering the Orgy Dome who only wish to spend time undisturbed together; and, an 'Open to More' area for those couples and moresomes who are open to being approached by others who request Informed Enthusiastic Consensually prior to any contact.
Last year over 8,000 people visited the Dome. We are proud to provide our sex-positive space to the citizens of Black Rock City. We take our job of educating people about the importance of informed enthusiastic consent seriously.
Aphrodite's Garden provides a 'meet and greet' space. More than just a waiting area, it's a place where, after receiving our consent talk and Dome orientation, couples can have some time to get in the mood, discuss their desires and boundaries, and meet other like minded couples who are open to more.
We are constantly looking for ways to improve our playa gifts and the ATTOL camping experience, making life more fun in BRC. The playa is an unpredictable place but by working together, we can create an amazing place that we can call home.
Camp Dues
Everyone is expected to participate in camp operations. All fundraising and camp dues go directly to the running and maintenance of the camp infrastructure and our playa gift. It is a significant investment to keep our theme camp up and running year after year. The annual cost to bring ATTOL and the Orgy Dome to Black Rock City far exceeds $50,000.
To help offset our costs, we require our members to pay dues. These revenues go entirely toward the infrastructure we provide - power, water, shower, a stocked kitchen with refrigerators and freezers, a camp chill space and air conditioning in the Dome. We use donations from the community to keep dues as low as possible - they are lower than many other theme camps. And our campers enjoy helping us bring the Orgy Dome to Black Rock City.
We require camp members to work few shifts, either in the Dome (these shifts can include greeter positions, lube fairies and attendees in Aphrodite's Garden), our kitchen, or doing camp cleanup. After paying your camp dues we will email you a link to the signup sheet for work shifts.
Camp with us
New Campers
We're now accepting applications for the 2025 Burn, and we will be celebrating our 21st year on Playa!
Our camp is full of amazing returning members. We are also open to new couples, moresomes and select singles by application. References are appreciated.
If you are new to ATTOL and want to camp with us, fill out the form linked at the bottom of the page to let us know what you can bring to and offer the camp!
Our camp’s purpose is to give something back to the residents of Black Rock City. We are artists and lovers of life; straight, lesbian, gay, bi, polyamorous and monogamous; full of mischief and joy. Whether you are virgin burners or long time members of the burning man community, please contact us to see if we are the right camp for you.
ATTOL Camp members enjoy their burn, but savor the moments they contribute back to the camp - enhancing the burn for themselves and our community. For us, we are a part of the experience, not just spectators. Being an Orgy Dome® Greeter and teaching the importance of Informed Enthusiastic Consent is a rewarding and unique Burning Man adventure.
Everyone is expected to participate in camp operations. All fundraising and camp dues go directly to the running and maintenance of the camp infrastructure and our playa gift. It is a significant investment to keep our theme camp up and running year after year. The annual cost to bring ATTOL and the Orgy Dome to Black Rock City far exceeds $50,000.
This is NOT a plug and play camp. If you expect everything to be provided for you, this is not the camp for you. While we have a significant camp infrastructure, and we love providing the comforts of home to our camp family - we promise nothing. This is the Playa and anything can happen despite our hard work. That is part of the fun and transformative nature of BRC. If you are interested in bringing an amazing gift to the people of Black Rock City, we hope you can join in our fun ...and our camp has fun.
Camp Dues were $400 per camper in 2024 and we expect a modest increase in 2025. We also have a "group moop incentive program." This $200 per person deposit (also subject to a potential modest change in 2025) is partially or fully refundable for those who stay for strike to help with camp cleanup and moop removal - beyond their personal space.
Additional camper contributions are: two gallons of water, one bag of ice, help by signing up for three shifts (two Dome shifts and one cleaning shift), and taking two bags of camp trash home with your own.
There is an additional cost to connect to our power grid. To keep our camp quiet and reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, personal generators can only be used as back-up power (we support redundancy). RV power must be connected to the camp electrical grid.
Keep costs down and register online now. Late registrations require last minute additions. Dues may go up to reflect the adjusted budget. There may be additional fees for extra-large RV's and extra-large tent structures.
As always, everyone is expected to help with the camp and give back in some way. We will post a camp activity calendar along with a camp needs list and shared duty sign-up sheet.
Please remember that you don’t have to camp with us to enjoy everything we bring to the playa. Do you have experience with consent culture? We are also looking for volunteer Dome Greeters. Contact us to apply!